How Can I Manage my Learning at Home?

How will I revise for my exams? How can I make sure I remember everything? How can I find something that works for me? Are there any English videos on Youtube for Macbeth?

These might be questions you are asking yourself at the moment. With the news of schools closing because of coronavirus, some of you may be nervous or scared about how to manage your learning at home. 

Managing Your Day

We have all had times when staying at home when we woke up at 12pm, watched some Youtube videos until 3pm and then maybe did some studying before going back on Youtube to watch more videos. 

Part of making sure you manage your learning at home is keeping to a routine. Getting up at the same time every day will help you to sleep regularly an ensure you are still keeping on top of your own revision schedule. 

Another factor is also making sure that you are taking regular breaks, getting out of your pyjamas into different clothes and finishing in the afternoon. At school, breaks and lunchtimes and even transition times are there to help you take a pause between activities. When studying and revising, make sure you are taking time between tasks, whether it by by getting a snack, watching a fun Youtube video or just standing up to stretch your legs.

Looking After Your Wellbeing

Studying can be fun but also stressful particularly when preparing for exams especially when you have to manage it alone. That’s why it is so important to take care of yourself - this is what we mean by wellbeing. Ways to do this is: every 40 mins take a 5 minute break, ensure you take an hour for lunch, talk to people at home or if you can chat to your friends.

Online resources

As you probably already know, the internet is filled with various types of websites, apps and videos that you can use so that when you are in charge of your own learning at home, you can still make progress, still get the grade that you want and still keep aiming high. Below are some examples of resources available to you online and for FREE. Some may need you to create an account, while some you may have a login already so it’s worth checking if you do. 

We will be updating this list as we go along but we would love to hear from you should there be any resources you would like going forward.

Name: Seneca


Great For: Making sure you are able to remember all the information you have learnt

Subject: All

Name: CorbettMaths

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Worksheets on different areas and topic - Past papers and worksheets also have answers!

Subject: Maths

Name: MathsGenie

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Past exam style questions

Subject: Maths

Name: MathsBot

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Skills practice, a variety of questions to practice for exams - also gives you the answers

Subject: Maths

Name: ExamSolutions

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Going over exam style questions

Subject: Maths

Name: BBC Bitesize

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Learning individual topics and bits of information

Subject: All

Name: BBC Teach

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Teachers use this mainly but it doesn’t mean you can’t! Many videos for you to teach yourself

Subject: All

Name: Quizlet


Great For: Quick speedy tasks to test one’s knowledge

Subject: All

Name: Sparknotes

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Study guides for all texts

Subject: English

Name: Video sparknotes

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: If you would like to watch some videos on the text you are reading

Subject: English

Name: Kahoot

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Quick quizzes - You can use this to revise with your friends when you are at home!

Subject: All

Name: PhotoMath

Website: (Mobile friendly)

Great For: Solving equations when feeling stuck

Subject: Maths

We hope these are all useful!

The CoachBright Team