FAQs for CoachBright and COVID-19

1) What is coronavirus?

This is a new illness that affects a person’s lungs, airways, and primarily causes a cough and high fever. Please have a read through this nhs page if you would like to gain more clarity on the symptoms or context.

2) What if one of our pupils has coronavirus?

In this case, we are not in the best position to answer that question. The best thing to do would be to check with your school’s policies and updates.

3) What is CoachBright's current policy on COVID-19 (coronavirus)? 

Our policy is in line with the latest governmental updates as well as our own to ensure the safeguarding of all the pupils we work with, our volunteers and our community of partners. We will be sending regular updates with regards to this situation and ensure that everyone understands the next steps.

4) Are there going to be any more CoachBright sessions? 

At the moment all of our sessions and graduation events have been postponed until after the Easter holidays. This is in line with the latest university and school closures and recent changes the government has announced as of 20/03/2020. 

5) What should I do if I am a Coach and I am ill? 

We advise that if you are feeling unwell and are showing any of these symptoms, please self-isolate for 14 days. If you are living in a flat with other people, they will have to self-isolate as well. For more guidance, we encourage you to contact your university directly.

6) Why have the graduations been postponed?

Due to many universities deciding to close doors to face-to-face coaching and encouraging every student to stay at home, it is safest for us to postpone our events for now and wait for further updates before we decide to run our events. 

7) How long will graduations be postponed for?

At the moment, it is very hard to tell. We are monitoring the government's decisions very closely, and we are committed to celebrate the successes of the pupils when it is safe to do so. At the moment graduations have been postponed until after Easter, but this could change in the next few days and weeks. 

8) What are the next steps from today?

We will follow all new governmental updates closely and continue to communicate with schools and volunteers on a regular basis to support each other's safety and understanding amidst this time of uncertainty. 

9) Can I still continue Coaching?

YES! We would love to receive your support in the coming days and weeks, as we will continue to support our pupils virtually through online learning. Please fill in our quick form if you are interested and we will get in touch to let you know the next steps.

10) I will be travelling to another coronavirus affected area in the coming weeks. When should I come back to the UK?

We advise that you follow the guidelines set out on this page of the government's website. Every country will have its own policies and the situation may look very different when on the ground. Should you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to make it back for future CoachBright sessions or events, please inform your Head of Region as soon as possible. 

The CoachBright Team