Your Volunteering Journey — CoachBright

We’re currently recruiting volunteer coaches for our Spring term programmes – click to find out more!

This is what your CoachBright journey will look like once you apply! 


The CoachBright team will be in touch once we’ve reviewed your application. If you’re successful you’ll be invited to attend one of our training days. 

Training days are run by our lovely CoachBright team!

During the training you will cover: 

  • How to use a coaching approach

  • How to be your pupil’s champion

  • Session planning and delivery

  • Subject specific resources and guidance

  • Safeguarding children and young people

  • Programme logistics

  • Your availability and subject preference

After training you will fill out a Programme Choices form and a DBS application. We’ll take into account your preferences and availability and place you on one of our programmes.

Welcome to the Programme 

Once you are placed on a programme, you will attend a Welcome to the Programme Session.

The session will run online for 30 minutes to an hour, and will provide you with all the information you need for your programme. This will include specific details about your school.

The session will be led by the programme officer running the programme, as well as your Coach Lead. It is also an opportunity to meet all the other coaches you will be working with!

The Programme

Our programmes pair coaches with pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds in either 1:2 - 1:5 ratios.

We run programmes for Key Stages 2 to 5 - this means you can choose whether you coach primary, secondary or A-level student programmes. 

Most of our programmes are in schools, however we do run online programmes (subject to availability).

Our programmes are all 15 hours and run through a school term. Generally, they are 10 weeks long which includes a launch, and a 8 weeks of coaching. It is important that you are able to commit to attending all sessions. 

The programmes end with a graduation, often held in a local university, to celebrate the pupils achievement. As a coach you are invited to attend and join in the celebration! 

Coach Community

Outside of  the coaching programmes, there are loads of opportunities to get involved in the wider coach community! 

Look out for the socials throughout the year, including the Christmas parties, end of year celebrations, and networking events.

We love getting our volunteers involved in all areas of CoachBright! If you would like to help out at events, write for the blog, or have any other ideas please email 

We’d love to hear from you!