Letter to Year 11's and 13's

Dear Year 11 and Year 13,

There are no amounts of words that can do justice or provide comfort or even tell you how gutted we are that this is the way you had to say goodbye. That this is how you would remember the end of your school journey. We as your coaches, your teachers, your mentors are devastated for you but also ultimately proud.

Despite all the uncertainty, it is you that kept focused, you that tried your best and worked hard. You who turned up each day talking about TikTok and that programme that is way too young for us to watch. You that talked about becoming that banker, that doctor, that politician, that lawyer, that teacher, that good person. You who thought you couldn’t do it because Maths wasn’t for you but you believed and you thought and you realised Maths is for everyone willing enough to work hard for it.

And for that we thank you, we celebrate you for all your hard work which I promise has not gone unnoticed and will not be forgotten. And even though you have said goodbye, know that we as a community are always here believing in you and will be here for you for whenever you need us.

We’re on team@coachbright.org if we can help.

The CoachBright Team x