Exam Results Advice from the CoachBright Team

Finding out exam results can be one of the most stressful days in a young person’s life. Whether your results are better than expected or not what you hoped for, it’s essential to recognise that your life path is never fixed. There are so many options out there. In this article, we explore why exam results aren’t the sole measure of your worth, and some practical tips from the CoachBright team.

1. The Bigger Picture

Your exam results are just one snapshot in time. They reflect your performance on a specific day, under particular conditions. However, they don’t capture your growth, resilience, or potential. Life is a journey, and exam results are merely milestones along the way. Remember that success is multifaceted, encompassing academic achievements, personal development, relationships, and experiences.

2. Skills Beyond the Classroom

While exams assess your knowledge of specific subjects, they don’t measure essential life skills such as creativity, problem-solving, communication, and adaptability. These skills are equally valuable and contribute significantly to your overall success. Consider the qualities that make you unique—your passion, curiosity, and ability to learn from setbacks. These attributes matter far more than a grade.

3. Resilience and Perseverance

Life rarely follows a linear path. Challenges, setbacks, and unexpected twists are part of the journey. How you handle adversity matters more than any exam score. Resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks—defines your character. Embrace failures as opportunities for growth, and remember that setbacks do not diminish your worth.

4. Defying Stereotypes

Exam results often reinforce societal stereotypes. However, they don’t account for the diverse talents and passions that make each person unique. Some of the most successful individuals—artists, entrepreneurs, innovators—didn’t excel academically. They followed their passions, persisted, and created their paths. Your worth extends beyond a standardised test; it lies in your authenticity and the impact you make.

5. Community and Contribution

Your worth also extends beyond self-interest. It’s about contributing positively to your community and the world. Volunteer work, kindness, empathy, and supporting others matter. When you uplift someone else, you’re defining your worth in meaningful ways. Remember that your impact on others far outweighs any exam result. Apprenticeships and internships are great alternatives to university.


In this moment, exam results can feel like the most important thing that has happened in your life, but they are only the most important thing so far. Whether or not you received the results you wanted, those grades will not define your life in the way it may feel like they will right now. Whether you're celebrating, or you're a bit disappointed, that's absolutely fine! But just remember that it won't be long before you look back and think "What was the fuss about? Look what I've done since."

Joe, CEO

Remember not to compare yourself and your results to people you may know! Everybody has different strengths and weaknesses and somebody getting higher grades than you doesn't make your achievements any less valuable or impressive. 

Khaila, Senior Programme Officer

I went through clearing! More than 50,000 students find their way into university through clearing each year. It got me into a top-tier university in London and I never looked back. Missing out on your first choice is always awkward, but see it as an opportunity for you to get to choose again. Take your time to decide what is right for you and don’t panic. https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/clearing-and-results-day/what-clearing

Lesley, Development Lead

Be kind to yourself. Take some time to think about what you have achieved so far. You might find it helpful to make a list about what you like about yourself and what skills you have. Remember that exams don’t define who you are and what you can achieve!

Charlene, Director of Operations

An important tip to navigating any exam results day is to spend time with your friends, whether the results are what they have hoped for or not.

Simona, Senior Programme Officer

Exam season is tough and can be very stressful. So don't forget to do things that you enjoy to unwind and relieve the stress because it is all about balance!

Imani, Programme Officer

While high exam results can open doors to various opportunities – and we wish all our students the very best of results – it’s essential to recognize that they aren’t the sole measure of success. Employers and universities also look at extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community involvement. A balanced approach that combines academics with other experiences is valuable. As you await your exam results, celebrate your efforts. Remember, success is multifaceted, and exam results are just one aspect. Embrace your uniqueness, recognise your growth, and know that you are more than a grade on paper. Your worth lies in your character, resilience, and the positive difference you make. So, breathe deep, believe in yourself, and good luck from the CoachBright team.