New CoachBright CEO Appointed

CoachBright are delighted to announce the appointment of Joe McGinn to succeed Robin Chu as Chief Executive Officer.

Joe is currently Head of School Partnerships at ImpactEd, an award-winning social enterprise that supports schools and education organisations to evaluate their impact, learn from it, and prioritise what is working best to improve outcomes for young people. Previously he was Programme Director at social enterprise Volunteer It Yourself - supporting some of the country's most disadvantaged young people to learn trade skills, improve their local community, and boost their employability - and is currently a sitting magistrate.

Joe is passionate about improving social mobility, and is excited to use his experience to help improve life chances and pupil outcomes with CoachBright.

Qamar Riaz, Chair of CoachBright: ``We are grateful for the support and guidance of all at Berwick Partners in securing a highly diverse and creditable shortlist of candidates for this critical post. We are thrilled to have recruited Joe to deliver on our recently devised strategy. Joe comes with considerable experience in delivery, research and evidence-informed practice that will be invaluable to the future growth and development of CoachBright. We were impressed with his passion and commitment to reducing inequality, increasing opportunity and maximising the potential of all children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds."


Joe McGinn, new CEO of CoachBright: “I am extremely excited to be joining CoachBright at such a critical point in its journey. Educational inequality was already worsening before the pandemic, and has been exacerbated in the last year. CoachBright's unique model of combining executive coaching and academic tutoring to support some of the most disadvantaged pupils in the UK is inspiring, and Robin should be extremely proud of what he and his team have managed to achieve over the last nine years. I'm looking forward to leading the next phase of CoachBright's development, as we look to increase both our reach and impact across the country. “

Joe will be taking over in December from our founder and current CEO Robin Chu who will be stepping down after 9 years at the helm.