Coaches - You Shared, We Listened, Now Let’s Take Action

At the end of our Autumn term programmes, we asked our coaches to share their feedback and tell us what they’d like to see from CoachBright as we grow and develop as a charity. Here’s what we found and what we’re planning to do about it. 

We read through all the wonderful evaluation form responses and pulled out some key themes. Firstly, that having an impact on a pupil’s life and networking opportunities were coaches' main reasons for volunteering with us. Secondly, we can do more to support our coaches to plan their sessions during the programmes. 


What you shared:

When we asked what you would like to gain from a CoachBright community, the majority of our coaches said they want to meet people - whether to form friendships or professional connections.

What we’re doing about it:

We’ve introduced pre-programme Coach Coffees and Welcome to the programme calls to start to build those friendships and sense of community at the beginning of a programme.

We’re planning a series of end of term events across the country to connect you with other coaches in your region and our network of industry partners. Here, we’ll take a moment to celebrate the impact we’ve had over the last academic year thanks to coaches like you. 

Save the date:

  • London - 31 May 2022

  • Birmingham - 27 May 2022

  • Exeter - 2 June 2022

More information to come - watch this space!

Session Planning

What you shared

On the whole, coaches reported feeling supported by your Programme Officer and Head Coach but the biggest area you wanted more support was in how to plan and deliver a session and more resources to help you do this.

What we’re doing about it

We’ve redesigned our Google Classroom to make it a comprehensive ‘Coach Handbook’ - let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see here. We are also in the process of revising our training ready for next academic year.  

We’re planning a new approach to our ‘Mid-Programme Workshops’. These will be an open space for coaches to share feedback and advice with one another, to share what’s working well and what’s not and exchange creative activity and session ideas. We hope this informal roundtable discussion, led by all of you, will support you in your development as a coach.

Thank you to every single coach that took the time to complete our post-programme evaluation form at the end of last term. Your feedback is so valuable and is helping to shape the future of CoachBright.