Annual Report 2019/20 Published

Our Annual Report for 2019/20 is now live. The full report is available to read here. Below is an extract from the foreword.

Our vision is to create a world where social mobility is a reality so that no young person’s background determines their future. In what has been a transformative and unpredictable year at CoachBright, we have risen to the challenge that Covid-19 has brought. It has not been the great leveller that some commentators have mentioned - those from lower-income backgrounds have suffered disproportionately as a result of the pandemic. Our work supporting disadvantaged pupils has become more relevant than ever.

Supporting more pupils than ever before across areas of disadvantage in London, the South West, the West Midlands and the South East, I am heartened to say that with increased reach our programmes maintain a laser-sharp focus on high quality coaching and tutoring that improves directly a pupil’s attainment, confidence and independence. This academic year (2019/20), our pupils, on average, improved in their tutored subject by 0.4 of a grade more than their non-CoachBright disadvantaged peers in the same school.

We know Covid-19 has hit the poorest the hardest. We also know that during times of crisis, acts of altruism, collaboration and support sky-rocket. We are delighted to play our part in making education fairer and that bit better across the country during this time.

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This was an extract taken from the foreword and impact part of our Annual Report. Please click here to read it in full.