Virtual Coaching/Tutoring: how I found it as a pupil

As we continue our online coaching/tutoring pilot with over 230 pupils from disadvantaged communities during lockdown, we will share our findings and learnings throughout. The programme is subject-specific tutoring in a GCSE Subject (normally English, Maths or Science) or a specific A level subject. Hear below from two Year 11 pupil’s from West Walsall E-ACT Academy who have just finished the programme! For safeguarding reasons we have chosen to label them Pupil A and B rather than disclose their names.

How did you find virtual tutoring/coaching?

Pupil A: It went really well! It was really nice and supportive especially during this time of the lockdown.

Pupil B: I think what was best for me was that I was able to learn a lot about English Literature. There was time for independence in doing all the work that I have had which has helped me to do well in all my online lessons set by school. It also has given me the ability to learn new skills in English which is amazing.

How did it complement/affect your school work during this Covid-19 time?

Pupil A: since school work was submitted by email, with CoachBright, having that online support where we could talk with the coach on a 1-1 level and get the academic support we needed was fantastic. I focused on Biology and Chemistry so covered topics around the brain, the eye, limiting reactants and equations which were really helpful to do together because we went through worked examples where I could get their thoughts on.

Pupil B: for me, it helped me to stay motivated when studying and gives me an insight to anything new I could do by myself. I focussed on English literature and it helped me develop skills in understanding the essay question and motivated me to do the right analysis on each part of the question.

Anything else you want to add about the experience?

Pupil A: It’s been amazing over the 7 weeks I’ve learnt a lot. It’s been a real support. Thank you very much! 

Pupil B: Thank you so much for helping me. The lessons were very fun and helpful as you helped me with my writing to make it clearer! Thank you for everything you have done to help me with literature - these skills will definitely help me when I reach year 12 and eventually university.

We anticipate our core programme where university students coach/tutor a disadvantaged pupil will continue online throughout Autumn Term. We will be releasing more insights and our evaluation of the online pilot towards the end of term. If you had any questions or were interested in bringing online tutoring to your school please email