Indoors: Making The Most of It

Lockdown. Not how I thought I would be spending these last few months and I imagine you’re feeling the same!  We cannot see our friends or wider family members and schools are closed for the foreseeable future; but this doesn’t mean that we put our lives completely on hold. In fact, it’s probably easier to keep in touch with our friends and family now more than ever. Our best friends are only a quick FaceTime away for that daily gossip, and we can speak to anyone, whenever we want over social media.  This is a time to look after ourselves and also those around us.

Whilst life may seem hard, you might find yourself with more spare time - this is the perfect chance to return to some of your favourite activities! 

When I was younger, I used to read SO much but with ever-increasing workloads from school and university, it’s now become more of a luxury than a lifestyle.  I’ve got back into reading lately and for those times when you’re a bit bored or want to temporarily break free from isolation, reading is a great escape!

Another thing we can really put time into during this time is cooking and baking!  Why not learn to cook a new dish, or help with making dinner?  I’ve always been a keen baker, so this has been the perfect opportunity to refine my skills. Leaving my oven (and straight into my mouth) lately have been shortbread, cherry crumble and fruit scones.

Above all though, the main thing is to keep smiling!  Life will feel strange and uncomfortable now, but we will learn from it and become even stronger.  We’re all in the same boat and some people may be struggling more than others.

A quick message or a smile at someone you see in the street will go a long way!

Look after yourself and stay strong.

Blog post by Mark Howard, South West and Virtual Coach