Hey everyone! My name is Nick, and I'm studying Arts and Sciences (a liberal arts programme) at University College London. I am originally from Singapore, and I am currently in my second year of studies.
I adore university life! I enjoy the freedom and independence that I found in living away from my parents and my country or origin. I get to discover more about myself and others; and the agency I possess in charting my life course is incredibly liberating. In my first year, I tried out professional dance for the very first time, I tried out consulting pro-bono for non-social enterprises, and I made friends from all over the world in my hall of accommodation. UCL is very diverse and provides a highly inclusive atmosphere, bringing its students limitless opportunities to meet others from different walks of life.
I heard about CoachBright from my good friend Nicole, and I have never regretted the decision to volunteer. CoachBright is unlike any other social enterprise that I have worked with in the past - it is brimming with vibrant energy, and this can be attributed to the boundless optimism that the entire management team bring to their work. Even as a student Coach, I was a part of a collaborative atmosphere that was inclusive and motivational. It definitely encouraged me to bring my best self at every session.
The photo above was taken at my coachee Tariq’s graduation from the CoachBright programme. Becoming a part of CoachBright will allow you to establish a close relationship with your coachee, inspiring them to work hard in their studies to join you in university, while enabling you to build your skills and confidence in coaching.
Blog post by: Nicholas Oh
“Learning is not about getting everything right or checking things off a list, it is about nurturing an attitude of perseverance and resilience.”