We're setting up a society : Join us !

Evidently, we're a fun bunch.

Evidently, we're a fun bunch.

By Nicole Ooi

Hey there! I'm Nicole, the (future) President of London CoachBright Society.

CoachBright is something that I have become quite passionate about since signing up to be a coach about a year ago. Since then, I have coached twice, been a Head Coach twice and am now trying to start the London CoachBright Society!

I guess the rationale behind creating the society was quite simple — we wanted to give us as students a community, allowing us to make friends and support each other. We also thought it would be cool to play a bigger role in decision making, instead of just showing up for training and sessions. Although we will still have support from CoachbBight in terms of training and pairings with schools, the society will be completely student-led!

London CoachBright Society is going to be an overarching society that is not linked to any particular university. We are hoping that our members will take the initiative to start CoachBright societies within their own universities (I’m also starting the UCL society if anyone is interested in being on that committee!). As coaches, you will automatically become a member of the London CoachBright Society, and it is up to you to figure out the membership for your university's society (if your uni has one!)

We are hoping to be completely set up by the end of the summer, meaning that in the 2017/18 academic year you can expect many more socials, regularly updated social media pages and support meetings. Everything the committee is doing right now is in the hopes that we will be able to create a community of coaches who are able to support and motivate each other throughout the year! We also hope that this will create stronger bonds and a more friendly environment at the schools you will be coaching at!

If you are interested in being a part of the committee, we still have a few roles available! The role that we really need filled is Social Secretary, but if you are interested in other roles, we can hold an AGM in September to vote. You can sign up on the google form below and I will get back to you ASAP! The form also has short descriptions of the job scopes of each role.


If you are interested in just being a member of the society, keep your eyes peeled for future emails about membership (and possibly society t-shirts!!)

*P.S Don't fret if you're not based in London, a society in Exeter is also in the process of being set up! For more info contact Head Coach Becca at rebeccalucyhart@gmail.com