Debate in the Community

Exciting news! We have partnered with global debate provider IDEA (International Debate Education Association) and local groups to run a debate series for young people around issues important to them from May-June to showcase the power debate has in facilitating critical thinking and discussion among young people. 

The first in our series is, in partnership with the incredible London is Fem, a social media organisation which gathers news and events for feminists in London. Together, we invite you to:

'Feminism & Activism: How can we create change?'

When and Where: 14th May at 7pm, Camden Collective NW1 7JE

Care about equality of the sexes? Should you 'rock the boat' or adopt a softly-does-it calm down dear approach? 

What's the best way to unpick the various systems of oppression in society?

Come along to share your thoughts and find out how others go about fighting back!

Hear from leading UK campaigners who have joined forces to take a closer look at where their frontlines meet, discussing their successes and failures and asking how best can we create change in the field of feminism.

There will also be drinks and nibbles on offer! Join us for an inspiring evening of talks and discussion.

The Line-Up

Chair: Tansy Hoskins: journalist at the Guardian, New Statesman and Al Jazeera. Author of 'Stitched Up - The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion' - ICA Bookshop Book of the Year and co founder of Brick Lane Debates.

Speaker: Kate Hudson: a British far-left political activist and academic who is the General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and National Secretary of Left Unity.

Speaker: Jo-Ann Hamilton: UN Global Woman Champion for Woman's Economic Empowerment and founder at SecretBirds, an enterprise, which encourages, supports and empowers girls and women through entrepreneurship.

Speaker: Chardine Taylor Stone: a writer, DJ and founder of black speculative fiction book club Mothership Connections. She also plays drums in the black feminist band Big Joanie.

Speaker: Pavan Amara: founder of My Body Back Project, which works with women who have experienced sexual violence, supporting them to love and care for their bodies again.

Speaker: Shaina Yang, an administrator for the Facebook group Cuntry Living, an intersectional, sex positive online space in which members can challenge patriarchy and share experiences of oppression.

Speaker: Sarah Anderson, part of the No More Page 3 Campaign since January 2013. Sarah has facilitated workshops including 'Kick Ass Campaigning' and the use of social media as a campaign tool.

Get your ticket on Eventbrite below!